- 500 g onions
- 600 aubergines
- 400 g capsicum
- 600 g courgettes
- 1 kg tomatoes (preferably plum tomatoes)
- 4 cloves of garlic, crushed
- thyme
- olive oil
- salt and pepper
Cut the onions into thin strips with the special 1 mm onion disk on your vegetable preparation machine.
Cut the capsicum into thin strips using the Julienne disk.
Dice the aubergines and the courgettes using the 10x10x10 mm macédoine attachment.
Dice the tomatoes using the 8x8x8 mm macédoine attachment
Brown separately in olive oil:
- the onions
- the aubergines
- the sweet peppers
- the courgettes
- the tomatoes + garlic + thyme
Combine the vegetables and place them in a gratin dish
Bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 160°/170°C
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